June 7, 2021
A while back, we wrote a “what if” blog post to address questions guys often pose online and in our man boobs consul...
May 15, 2021
If only it were possible to shrink man boobs with external equipment! Some of our puffy nipples patients ask about non-s...
November 13, 2020
We were browsing the forums on gynecomastia.org recently, as we do at least weekly, to understand what guys are concerne...
April 6, 2020
It’s far more common than you might think for a man to be quite nervous before heading into the operating room for gyn...
February 3, 2020
If you have ever wondered whether men who choose gynecomastia surgery find the procedure “worth it,” you don’t nee...
December 17, 2019
It’s a question we field both online and in our in-office man boob consultations: will I need drains after surgery? ...
September 9, 2019
As you might imagine, we’ve talked with dozens of guys about moobs and the military, and their experiences are all ove...
February 7, 2019
We happened across a question on RealSelf the other day. A patient was asking where he might find a gynecomastia revisio...
January 29, 2019
They say “what goes around, comes around,” and nothing could fit this old cliché better than supposed causes of man...
December 22, 2018
Even when people have a strong desire to change their appearance, few rush immediately down to their local cosmetic surg...
July 13, 2018
We often write posts about teens with gynecomastia, like the one we published several days ago offering articles to conv...
May 25, 2018
Gynecomastia revision candidates sometimes ask us about odd looking craters and dents when they flex without realizing t...
April 28, 2018
Here's a question we often hear in our gynecomastia consultation room and online as well: does massage help with scar ti...
April 15, 2018
We just spotted a new article on gynecomastia.org discussing the need to help teens with man boobs. We couldn’t agree ...
February 26, 2018
Like mosquito bites and paper cuts, puffy nipples create an annoyance factor far beyond their size for many guys who hav...
December 15, 2017
The online magazine, Men’s Health, recently published an interesting article on nipple pain in men. Yes, it does happe...
October 16, 2017
We often respond to questions in the forums on gynecomastia.org about how patients can hide the fact that they’ve had ...
October 9, 2017
One question our gynecomastia patients don’t always think to ask ahead of time is about sleeping after surgery. It’s...
September 15, 2017
Oh, say it ain’t so! Beer can cause man boobs? Last month, an article in the online magazine Vice reported that bee...
September 6, 2017
If you have enlarged male breasts, like thousands of guys we’ve treated for man boobs over the years, you’ve probabl...
July 13, 2017
If you elect to have surgery for gynecomastia with us or another experienced plastic surgeon, you’ll feel a huge sense...
March 15, 2017
When it comes to committing to surgery for male breast reduction, patients occasionally face an obstacle or two. Some ne...
March 7, 2017
We fielded a question on gynecomastia.org the other day about surgical technique. The prospective patient was apparently...
October 6, 2016
What is tethering and why does it strike fear into the hearts of men planning gynecomastia surgery? Tethering is a po...
May 13, 2016
We have noticed some fear mongering online about surgical procedures, including male breast reduction. One recent poster...
January 21, 2016
Each cosmetic surgery procedure comes with its own set of possible risks and complications—particularly when a patient...
November 19, 2015
Cosmetic procedures are not inexpensive, and we understand it can be frustrating for our patients in to fund gynecomasti...
March 10, 2015
Here's an inquiry we fielded recently from a real guy with gynecomastia. We actually hear this question quite often: ...
October 3, 2014
If you follow plastic surgery in the media, you may have read - perhaps with some amusement - that more men are electing...
August 1, 2014
Does having moobs affect a guy's dating life? Of course there's no one answer to this question, unless the answer is,...
January 24, 2014
Guys with man boobs often feel that there could be few things worse in life than having actual breasts. One of them mi...
May 20, 2013
We have noticed an uptick in Internet activity promoting non-surgical cures for gynecomastia. Any scheme designed to rel...
March 22, 2013
Several years ago, an article published on a New Zealand website revealed that boys as young as eight years old are lini...
December 30, 2011
We're pleased that so many of our gynecomastia patients are fitness-minded, and we're happy to share information about h...
May 7, 2011
We often answer questions on discussion boards and forums about gynecomastia, and very frequently on gynecomastia.org. W...
Reach out to Dr. Jacobs today to schedule your consultation!