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Beer Boobs: The Real Story

September 15, 2017

Beer Boobs: The Real Story

Oh, say it ain’t so! Beer can cause man boobs? Last month, an article in the online magazine Vice reported that bee...

post-op puffy nipples

June 22, 2017

Top 3 Reasons for Post-op Puffy Nipples

We give time regularly to help guys online because we know that, for some, gynecomastia is a significant obstacle to fee...

tethering after gynecomastia surgery

October 6, 2016

Terrified of Tethering?

What is tethering and why does it strike fear into the hearts of men planning gynecomastia surgery? Tethering is a po...

gynecomastia revision surgery

January 21, 2016

Craters of the Moobs

Each cosmetic surgery procedure comes with its own set of possible risks and complications—particularly when a patient...

man boobs

May 20, 2013

Non-Surgical Cures for Man Boobs?

We have noticed an uptick in Internet activity promoting non-surgical cures for gynecomastia. Any scheme designed to rel...

Tuberous Gynecomastia

August 23, 2011

Puffy Nipples or Tuberous Man Boobs?

We suggest that each patient with gynecomastia in South Florida seek the best man boob surgeon they can find, of course....

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