If you’re considering surgery for gynecomastia and you smoke marijuana, you’re facing an interesting challenge. You probably know that although a firm connection between pot and moobs has not been scientifically established, most plastic surgeons believe that the two are linked. And most will advise you to stop smoking marijuana when you have male breast reduction to ensure your moobs don’t return.
It goes without saying, however, that habits are not easy to break, pot smoking included. Here are some tips that may help:
You are more than welcome to come in to see us for a gynecomastia consultation, whether or not you have made decisions about surgery and/or marijuana use. Consultations are designed to be an exchange of information and ideas between people in the know. We are the experts on man boobs and male breast reduction surgery; you are the expert when it comes to your body and your life.
According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, nearly 25,000 men elect male breast reduction surgery annually. That number may rise if more states legalize marijuana, and in the not too distant future researchers will surely uncover incontrovertible evidence that smoking pot can trigger moobs. But until then, if you’re planning surgery for gynecomastia, marijuana should not be part of your future.
Dr. Elliot William Jacobs is a board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon who specializes in FTM top surgery, gynecomastia surgery, revision gynecomastia surgery and male breast reduction. He is a native of New York and has over 40 years of experience in his field. Dr. Jacobs is a highly respected and sought-after surgeon who is known for his skill, experience, and compassion. Whether you are interested in gynecomastia for the first time, or are looking to correct a gynecomastia you aren’t happy with, Dr. Jacobs can deliver amazing results.
Reach out to Dr. Jacobs today to schedule your consultation!