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Blog. Don’t Dodge the Details!

We get it—arriving at the decision to have gynecomastia surgery is a journey involving research, careful thought and emotional ups and downs. It’s easy to let some of the smaller details slip by. But take the advice we give man boob patients, don’t ignore some of the secondary aspects of this cosmetic surgery procedure. Being fully prepared prior to the big day can make all the difference as you recover.

Fill Prescriptions

Even if you see yourself as one of the toughest guys around, fill your prescriptions prior to surgery. We mean the painkiller we’ll prescribe as well as any antibiotics you may need (in addition to medication you take routinely, which you will have told us about during your office visits, of course).

It is true that some patients find they only need Tylenol for a few days after gynecomastia surgery. But it’s impossible to predict that up front, and you don’t want to regret not having something a little stronger on hand, even if you only take it for a day or two. If you generally do not like to take prescription pain meds look at it this way: any help you can get that lets you rest easily during the initial post-op period is worthwhile.

Prepare your Home

There’s a factor that can aid in a comfortable man boob surgery recovery that some of our South Florida patients forget to think about, and that’s getting things squared away at home. Give some thought to supplies you might need for a bit of a “staycation,” or ask for our input. We’ll suggest you stock your kitchen with some favorite foods, especially those that are easy to prepare and eat. And it’s a good idea to have plenty of fluids on hand as well.

Other things that can make the first few days of surgery relaxing include clean sheets and towels and fluffy pillows for resting propped up slightly. Movies, magazines, books, audio books and video games can help occupy your mind while your body heals. Fortunately, there’s a wealth of resources online—just be sure you know where power cords and spare batteries can be found!

Think about what goes on in your day to day life and what you might need to plan for. You may want to take your dog to a friend’s house or a kennel for a couple of days, for example. You might want to pay a couple of bills ahead of time. Check out our list of “10 Tips for Preparing for Gynecomastia Surgery” to learn more.

Arrange for a Driver

You can take just about any method of transportation you like to arrive at our offices for man boob surgery—a cab, Uber or Lyft or even the subway. You must arrange for someone to pick you up when you’re released, however. Even though nearly every gynecomastia procedure we perform is done under twilight anesthesia, meaning you will be able to think clearly and walk out the door on your own the same day of surgery, we insist that someone accompany you home (or to a nearby hotel). We feel it’s irresponsible to let a patient go with just a driver to drop them off. No matter how conscientious a cabbie may be, for instance, their responsibility is driving, not your well-being.

For patients who don’t want a friend or loved one involved, we can arrange for a nurse or nurse’s aide as a companion on the way home. The assignment is to be with you on the journey and alert for the slightest problem, then to make sure you are settled comfortably. There’s no need for someone to stay overnight with you, but you shouldn’t be traveling home alone.

If you’re concerned about these and other details, if the things to remember sometimes seem overwhelming, never fear. By working with thousands of guys with man boobs, we believe we have discovered just about every possible item you need to know about, both large and small. We’ll discuss them with you and provide handouts you can refer to later.

Contact us today to get started!


Dr. Elliot William Jacobs is a board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon who specializes in FTM top surgery, gynecomastia surgery, revision gynecomastia surgery and male breast reduction. He is a native of New York and has over 40 years of experience in his field. Dr. Jacobs is a highly respected and sought-after surgeon who is known for his skill, experience, and compassion. Whether you are interested in gynecomastia for the first time, or are looking to correct a gynecomastia you aren’t happy with, Dr. Jacobs can deliver amazing results.


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