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Blog: Seeking the Best Price for Man Boob Surgery

June 14, 2022

Seeking the Best Price for Man Boob Surgery

Many of us look for good deals before we pull out our wallets, especially in times like this when prices seem to rise da...

Blog: Estrogen, Gynecomastia and Your Health

October 5, 2021

Estrogen, Gynecomastia and Your Health

If you’re an average guy, you probably have some knowledge about the impact of testosterone on your health and well-be...

Blog: Finding A Gynecomastia Specialist: A View on Reviews

September 25, 2021

Finding A Gynecomastia Specialist: A View on Reviews

From plumbers to pizza—online reviews are ubiquitous these days. Everyone uses them to help make choices. Considering ...

Blog: A Concave Chest After Gynecomastia Surgery?

September 6, 2021

A Concave Chest After Gynecomastia Surgery?

We have learned so much in performing man boob surgery for more than three decades, and we love sharing with people in t...

testosterone and gynecomastia

August 16, 2021

Testosterone and Gynecomastia

We field lots of questions about testosterone online at and in our man boobs consultations in South Flo...

August 5, 2021

What Kind of Doctor for Gynecomastia?

We spend so much time working with the small details of gynecomastia, we sometimes forget there are many out there still...

about teen gynecomastia

July 28, 2021

Teen Gynecomastia: What I Wish I Knew

We counsel teens with gynecomastia at least monthly, and it’s our pleasure to meet them and share what we’ve learned...

clothing for man boobs

July 2, 2021

A Prime-Time Fashion Question

One of our colleagues noted that the topic of man boobs made it to Family Feud recently! We decided not to “out” thi...

getting rid of puffy nipples

June 25, 2021

Ideas for Getting Rid of Puffy Nipples

Ok, we can understand—more or less. Your puffy nipples seem like a small problem, so there should be simple ways to ge...

Can I still have man boob surgery if...

June 7, 2021

Can I Still Have Man Boob Surgery: Part II

A while back, we wrote a “what if” blog post to address questions guys often pose online and in our man boobs consul...

A Creative Proposal for Puffy Nipples

May 15, 2021

A Creative Proposal for Puffy Nipples

If only it were possible to shrink man boobs with external equipment! Some of our puffy nipples patients ask about non-s...

Mondor's syndrome after gynecomastia surgery

April 16, 2021

Mondor’s Syndrome, a Rare Gynecomastia Complication

If you’re one of those guys who insists on being aware of every detail related to gynecomastia surgery, here’s a rar...

insurance coverage and gynecomastia

February 9, 2021

Insurance Coverage for Gynecomastia Surgery

Mention insurance and gynecomastia in the same sentence, and both surgeons and patients with man boobs in may roll their...

Blog: What to Expect When You Fly in for Gynecomastia Surgery

January 18, 2021

What to Expect When You Fly in for Gynecomastia Surgery

We often say that it’s worth it to travel to work with a gynecomastia specialist who performs hundreds of surgeries ea...

Bad News and Good News About Gynecomastia Revision

December 22, 2020

Bad News and Good News About Gynecomastia Revision

In our cosmetic surgery practice, we perform a lot of gynecomastia revision surgery. And we’ve been doing so for more ...

nipple reduction 101

December 5, 2020

Nipple Reduction 101

It might feel just a bit cringe-worthy, we’ll give you that, but nipple reduction at our practice is actually very str...

can gynecomastia return?

November 22, 2020

Can Gynecomastia Come Back?

It is so rare for gynecomastia to come back that we advise guys who fret about this before man boob surgery not to be co...

Say No to Gynecomastia Revision!

November 13, 2020

Say No to Gynecomastia Revision!

We were browsing the forums on recently, as we do at least weekly, to understand what guys are concerne...

risk of gynecomastia with Finasteride

October 22, 2020

Avoiding Finasteride-Triggered Man Boobs

It’s a cruel choice, isn’t it? Gradually lose your hair or risk a case of man boobs. It’s a known fact: Finaste...

What if it Isn’t Gynecomastia?

September 18, 2020

What’s Inside Your Man Boobs?

Are there different kinds of gynecomastia? How can you figure out “what’s in there?” And how does what’s under t...

Don’t Dodge the Details!

August 20, 2020

Don’t Dodge the Details!

We get it—arriving at the decision to have gynecomastia surgery is a journey involving research, careful thought and e...

Real Patient Question: Incision Placement for Gynecomastia Surgery

August 17, 2020

Real Patient Question: Incision Placement for Gynecomastia Surgery

We field a huge list of “what, when, where and why” questions from our gynecomastia patients and from people online ...

April 6, 2020

Pre-Surgery Jitters: What to Do

It’s far more common than you might think for a man to be quite nervous before heading into the operating room for gyn...

The Survey Says: Gynecomastia Surgery 98% "Worth It"

February 3, 2020

The Survey Says: Gynecomastia Surgery 98% “Worth It”

If you have ever wondered whether men who choose gynecomastia surgery find the procedure “worth it,” you don’t nee...

Traveling for Gynecomastia Surgery: What About Post-Op Complications?

December 29, 2019

Traveling for Gynecomastia Surgery: What About Post-Op Complications?

So, you’re potentially willing to travel to work with a gynecomastia expert, but you’re worried about what will happ...

Real Patient Question: Will I Need Drains?

December 17, 2019

Real Patient Question: Will I Need Drains?

It’s a question we field both online and in our in-office man boob consultations: will I need drains after surgery? ...

New York Gynecomastia Play-by-Play

November 19, 2019

Gynecomastia Play-by-Play

A big reason guys get nervous before gynecomastia surgery is they don’t know exactly what to expect. Keeping in mind t...

A Sunken Look After Gynecomastia Surgery

November 5, 2019

A Sunken Look After Gynecomastia Surgery

Just the other day we answered a question on about the occurrence of sunken chests and inverted nipples...

After Man Boob Surgery, Big and Little Changes

September 25, 2019

After Man Boob Surgery, Big and Little Changes

After you recover from gynecomastia surgery, will you experience big changes in your life? Little ones? Among our man b...

The Military: The Best or Worst Place for Man Boobs?

September 9, 2019

The Military: The Best or Worst Place for Man Boobs?

As you might imagine, we’ve talked with dozens of guys about moobs and the military, and their experiences are all ove...

Man Boob Causes: From Serious to Silly

July 14, 2019

Man Boob Causes: From Serious to Silly

As one of the earliest and most frequent participants in the forums, we’ve answered hundreds and hund...

Fluid After Man Boob Surgery

June 27, 2019

Fluid After Man Boob Surgery

To drain or not to drain? Every one of our man boob patients can expect swelling after surgery, as can every guy arou...

BPA and Gynecomastia: Should You Worry?

May 12, 2019

BPA and Gynecomastia: Should You Worry?

If you're like many people, you've probably heard of the chemical BPA, and you might have a vague sense that it could be...

One Less Worry about Gynecomastia Surgery

April 22, 2019

One Less Worry about Gynecomastia Surgery

Generally speaking, the people who come in to consult us about a gynecomastia surgery are much better informed than pati...

gynecomastia revision New York

February 7, 2019

Real Patient Question: How to Find a Gynecomastia Revision Specialist

We happened across a question on RealSelf the other day. A patient was asking where he might find a gynecomastia revisio...

Soy and Man Boobs

January 29, 2019

Soy and Man Boobs

They say “what goes around, comes around,” and nothing could fit this old cliché better than supposed causes of man...

ultrasound for gynecomastia

December 28, 2018

Real Patient Question: Do I Need an Ultrasound?

Earlier this month, a member of asked whether it’s a good idea to have an ultrasound examination of a...

Should You Try Tamoxifen for Gynecomastia?

December 22, 2018

Should You Try Tamoxifen for Gynecomastia?

Even when people have a strong desire to change their appearance, few rush immediately down to their local cosmetic surg...

gynecomastia scar revision

October 13, 2018

We Don’t Do the Donut!

We’re not talking about breakfast pastries here, though we do try to stay away from those too. What we mean when we sa...

gynecomastia revision New York

May 25, 2018

Animation Deformities After Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia revision candidates sometimes ask us about odd looking craters and dents when they flex without realizing t...

Propecia and man boobs

May 8, 2018

Real Patient Question: Finasteride After Gynecomastia Surgery?

We received an email from a former patient recently, asking about whether it’s ok to take finasteride for hair loss (u...

Massage After Gynecomastia Surgery

April 28, 2018

Massage After Gynecomastia Surgery

Here's a question we often hear in our gynecomastia consultation room and online as well: does massage help with scar ti...

teen gynecomastia New York

April 15, 2018

Top 5 Ways to Support Teens with Gynecomastia

We just spotted a new article on discussing the need to help teens with man boobs. We couldn’t agree ...

Lavender, Tea Tree Oil and Man Boobs in the News Again

March 27, 2018

Lavender, Tea Tree Oil and Man Boobs in the News Again

The most perplexing puzzle about gynecomastia is what’s behind each case. Don’t get us wrong—there’s a lot the m...

surgery for puffy nipples

February 26, 2018

Puffy Nipples: Big Little Challenges

Like mosquito bites and paper cuts, puffy nipples create an annoyance factor far beyond their size for many guys who hav...

What Does Nipple Pain Mean?

December 15, 2017

What Does Nipple Pain Mean?

The online magazine, Men’s Health, recently published an interesting article on nipple pain in men. Yes, it does happe...

improving posture after gynecomastia surgery

December 4, 2017

Posture Prescriptions from your Peers

Once you have male breast reduction surgery, your problems will be over, right? It's true that most of our man boob p...

Real Patient Question: How to Hide Gynecomastia Surgery?

October 16, 2017

Real Patient Question: How to Hide Gynecomastia Surgery?

We often respond to questions in the forums on about how patients can hide the fact that they’ve had ...

Sleep After Gynecomastia Surgery: 5 Tips

October 9, 2017

Sleep After Gynecomastia Surgery: 5 Tips

One question our gynecomastia patients don’t always think to ask ahead of time is about sleeping after surgery. It’s...

Beer Boobs: The Real Story

September 15, 2017

Beer Boobs: The Real Story

Oh, say it ain’t so! Beer can cause man boobs? Last month, an article in the online magazine Vice reported that bee...

Idiopathic Gynecomastia: What Does it Mean?

September 6, 2017

Idiopathic Gynecomastia: What Does it Mean?

If you have enlarged male breasts, like thousands of guys we’ve treated for man boobs over the years, you’ve probabl...

steroids and gynecomastia

August 23, 2017

Steroids and Gynecomastia: Some Thoughts

If a substance is a known cause of gynecomastia, or man boobs, you shouldn’t take it, right? Seems simple enough, but ...

Does Fast Food Cause Moobs?

August 14, 2017

Does Fast Food Cause Moobs?

“Man Has Surgery To Remove Breast, Doctors Blame Fast Food,” an online headline stated just last week. Just one prob...

After Gynecomastia Surgery: A Roller Coaster?

July 13, 2017

After Gynecomastia Surgery: A Roller Coaster?

If you elect to have surgery for gynecomastia with us or another experienced plastic surgeon, you’ll feel a huge sense...

post-op puffy nipples

June 22, 2017

Top 3 Reasons for Post-op Puffy Nipples

We give time regularly to help guys online because we know that, for some, gynecomastia is a significant obstacle to fee...

Real Patient Question: Who Pays for Gynecomastia Revision?

March 30, 2017

Real Patient Question: Who Pays for Gynecomastia Revision?

When a post-male breast reduction surgery patient is dissatisfied with his results, it can be a tricky situation for bot...

Anesthesia for Gynecomastia Surgery: The Options

March 15, 2017

Anesthesia for Gynecomastia Surgery: The Options

When it comes to committing to surgery for male breast reduction, patients occasionally face an obstacle or two. Some ne...

Real Patient Question: Surgery and/or Liposuction for Gynecomastia?

March 7, 2017

Real Patient Question: Surgery and/or Liposuction for Gynecomastia?

We fielded a question on the other day about surgical technique. The prospective patient was apparently...

can I still have gynecomastia surgery if

February 12, 2017

Can I Still Have Gynecomastia Surgery If…

Whether it’s about recovery time, budget or something more complex, many of our patients have a concern or two about ...

can moobs ruin a career?

January 12, 2017

Can Moobs Ruin a Career?

If you know anything about gynecomastia, you know what guys with the condition go through. In more than thirty-five year...

should you gain weight to hide man boobs?

January 2, 2017

Top 5 Dumb Things to Do for Man Boobs

We understand the sense of desperation some guys feel about their man boobs. After thirty-five plus years of meeting men...

Sweating the Moobs: How is Hyperhidrosis Like Gynecomastia?

November 17, 2016

Sweating the Moobs: How is Hyperhidrosis Like Gynecomastia?

Strictly speaking—and medically speaking—hyperhidrosis is not like gynecomastia at all. Excessive sweating and devel...

tethering after gynecomastia surgery

October 6, 2016

Terrified of Tethering?

What is tethering and why does it strike fear into the hearts of men planning gynecomastia surgery? Tethering is a po...

Does Donald Trump Have Moobs?

September 18, 2016

Does Donald Trump Have Moobs?

Everyone seems to be talking about Donald Trump nowadays; we thought perhaps we should join in! From his political views...

When You’re Sweating, and it’s Not the Small Stuff

August 16, 2016

When You’re Sweating, and it’s Not the Small Stuff

For some people, they are the twin embarrassments of summer: hyperhidrosis and bromhidrosis. You may be able to tell wha...

gynecomastia new york

May 13, 2016

Gynecomastia Surgery: 10 Ways to Get a Great Result

We have noticed some fear mongering online about surgical procedures, including male breast reduction. One recent poster...

gynecomastia revision surgery

January 21, 2016

Craters of the Moobs

Each cosmetic surgery procedure comes with its own set of possible risks and complications—particularly when a patient...

Insurance Coverage for Gynecomastia: Your Strategy

August 20, 2015

Insurance Coverage for Gynecomastia: Your Strategy

It's a recurring theme for our gynecomastia patients, and sometimes the distress and frustration come through loud and c...

celebrities with man boobs

June 15, 2015

Top 5 Ways Celebrities with Man Boobs Cope

Ordinary guys who don't elect male breast reduction surgery struggle to "deal and conceal." If Internet gossip is any in...

Bad Man Boob Surgery: Now What?

June 4, 2015

Bad Man Boob Surgery: Now What?

When you think about attractive, masculine looking chests, what images come to mind? A look that's smooth and sleek? Rip...

Real Patient Question: Do You Remove all the Gland?

March 10, 2015

Real Patient Question: Do You Remove all the Gland?

Here's an inquiry we fielded recently from a real guy with gynecomastia. We actually hear this question quite often: ...

man boobs new york

January 5, 2015

Gynecomastia and CoolSculpting

It's a perpetual quest for many looking to improve their appearance: an option that's minimally invasive or non-surgical...

The Beckham Boob Bandwagon

October 3, 2014

The Beckham Boob Bandwagon

If you follow plastic surgery in the media, you may have read - perhaps with some amusement - that more men are electing...

A Six Pack To Go?

August 25, 2014

A Six Pack To Go?

If "six pack abs" are a priority in your life, you probably know there are exactly two ways you can get them. You may al...

Dating and Moobs

August 1, 2014

Dating and Moobs

Does having moobs affect a guy's dating life? Of course there's no one answer to this question, unless the answer is,...

How Bad Are My Man Boobs?

July 29, 2014

How Bad is Your Case of Man Boobs?

How bad are my man boobs? How does my case look in comparison to other guys you treat? These are questions we field f...

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